My Inspiration
Everybody has a dream. A dream of who they want to be and what they want to do in life. Sometimes it takes a while for this dream to take shape and become ‘something’ which is worth going for.
My own dream came about when I was working with handicapped people in Zwitserland to help them live more independent lives. Being able to help people to take charge of their lives and help them make their own dreams come true was such a turn-on for me that I decided to make it my work.
I went to train with the best therapist I knew at the time, Veeresh Yuson, director of the Humaniversity, a therapy center in Egmond aan Zee. He showed me how important it is to first know yourself if you want to work with people. With a lot of personal awareness you will be able to help other people to find their own strength and authenticity.
Secondly, don’t try to change people, but guide and support them so they can find their own strength and authenticity. That is what I can offer you as a professional and a human being.
The body became an important tool for me. Coming from a background of sports and achievement I had to learn to feel, rather than forcing my body to perform.I could start to relax and trust myself and others. My life got color and instead of living up to all kinds of expectations I was able to chart my own course in life according to my own authentic wishes and needs .
I am still growing and developing through my work with clients and through leading workshops. By participating in trainings and courses I stay on the cutting edge of research and development in the world of personal growth. In the contact with colleagues I get inspiration and feedback. My wife and my two sons give me love and support.
I look forward to meet you, to hear what your problems, your wishes and your goals are. My purpose is to help you fulfil your own unique potential.
About Ketu
The Humaniversity, Netherlands
- Staff member
- 20 years + apprenticeship with Veeresh Yuson, founder of the Humaniversity and Phoenix House Europe
- Specialised in leading workshops in bodywork, movement, dance, relating and men’s work
- Specialised in client centred body-psychotherapy
- Leader of bodywork, dance and movement, encounter, sexuality and relating workshops in Brazil, Sweden, England and Lithuania
- Assistant of the Sexuality training
- Graduate of the Encounter training
- Graduate of the Therapist Training
- Humaniversity Consultant
Trance Dance facilitator
Trained by Frank Natale, The Natale Institute
Postural Integration practitioner
Trained by Dirk Marivoet, Centre for BodyMind Integration, Gent, Belgium
Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) practitioner
Trained by the founder Satyarthi Peloquin and by Roland Engelbracht.
Facilitator and trainer in the MER training in Osho Risk in Denmark
Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS)
Trained by the Egoscue Institute in San Diego, USA.
PLATO Psychosocial, psychopathological and medical training
Bodymind Institute, Rotterdam, NL
NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)
Bodymind Institute, Rotterdam, NL
Further education and trainings
5 Rhythms dance workshops, as participant and assistant
Shamanic workshops
Focusing in therapy
Gestalt body-psychotherapy
Crisis and Burnout
Anatomy Trains body-reading
TRE (Tension Release Exercises) workshops
One Year Intensive with Rainmakers coaching group; leadership and change management
Ketu has a therapy practice in Bergen, NH.
Ketu leads the training MER (Myofascial Energetic Release) in Osho Risk, Denmark.