Chronic Pain
“Research shows that 20% of the Dutch population suffer from chronic pain (pain lasting longer than 6 months)”.
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO
The reasons for experiencing pain can be many, but emotional as well as physical stress both play a part. Since negative emotions can amplify our perception of pain and physical pain can cause emotional stress, it is important to consider both during treatment.
Our modern sedentary lifestyle can cause spasms, disfunction and wear and tear on soft-tissues (muscles and fascia) and joints. A combined approach of postural therapy and deep tissue massage is very effective in restoring the body back to its original design, restoring function and reducing the effects of stress. Less pain, less tension and an increased sense of well-being is the result.
Becoming aware of what creates emotional distress in your life is also an important step on the way to changing it into challenges that you can deal with. Experiencing stress is part of life. Dealing with it in a creative and empowering way can be practised and learned.
“Pain is not something to be feared, it is something to be understood”.
Pete Egoscue (Founder of The Egoscue Method)
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