Burnout is a classic example of a body-mind disorder: psychological stress resulting in physical symptoms. Lack of enthusiasm and motivation, as well as being emotionally unstable are indications that inner conflicts and personal needs have too long been ignored. On a physical level a burnout can manifest as feeling permanently exhausted and still not being able to sleep well. Chronic body-pain without a clear physical reason and getting more easily sick is part of the negative pattern.
An approach taking both the psychological issues as well as the physical symptoms into account is part of a holistic treatment. Creating awareness around what created the burnout and dealing with those issues will stop the downward spiral and help prevent it from happening again in the future. Treating the effects the stress has had on the body will have a positive effect on emotional well-being and vice-versa.
A burnout can be transformed into a growth opportunity, if taken as a challenge and handled responsibly.
See blog-post: Burnout
See interview in Clique Magazine on burnout